Beyond Us is what we call an urban market within the heart of Malmö, Sweden. It is the combination of a shop of selected brands, a coffee bakery, temporary office space, and a meeting place all with sustainability at its heart. And with a very aesthetically delicious appearance, might we add! We had the pleasure to meet with Beyond Us’ founder Petra Hodel Fryzell and sit down for a chat in their newest addition, the Framery Q office pod.
Whether you’re working solo or with your team, Beyond Us offers modern, comfortable, and practical spaces to work in. You can book conference- and meeting rooms, a co-working table, and visitors and customers can now try out the new Framery Q office pod. Also, because of Beyond Us’ workspace offerings, their clientele is also quite diverse.
What truly surprised Petra was how students took a huge liking to the Framery Q pod straight away. It has turned out to be a great space for study sessions and small group work. A couple of podcasts have even been recorded in the pod. So, there’s a good lineup for its use.

Petra explains that what caught her and the company’s eye in the first place was this specific Framery pod’s pink color, which was more than suitable for their concept. Also, the fact that Framery pods are customizable in regard to size and other features aligns with Beyond Us’s beliefs of meeting customers’ needs today. As Petra says, “You have to meet your customers’ needs in a good way. Framery is a perfect match.”
“You have to meet your customers’ needs in a good way. Framery is a perfect match.”
“It’s very easy to recommend the Framery pod to others. We love it,” Petra says. We at Framery can say that the feeling is mutual because flexible and versatile spaces like Beyond Us are what we need in the future too. Not to mention the candy-color interior. Who wouldn’t be a bit sweet for that!