Thanks to videoconferencing technology, in-person meetings, and traveling long distances just to sit at the same table is no longer necessary. The software for arranging video meetings is also more accessible and easy to use than before with Zoom, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, and the like. For those working remotely either entirely or for most of the time, how the meetings are set up is a brand new concern. On-screen effects, filters, and computer-generated backgrounds can enhance the video, but bad lighting is a bit harder to fix.
And it is not just employees working from home who are facing the problem of finding just the right setting and lighting for Zoom calls and other video meetings. Many office workers struggle with this as well. That is why the Framery One is equipped with a front-facing video light embedded into the booth’s interior panel, making it perfect for video conferencing and remote meetings across all platforms. It also provides the ideal and distraction-free setting for attending Zoom calls and other video meetings even in a noise-filled office.
How to light a video meeting?
Getting the lighting for video meetings just right or finding the most flattering angle for the sunshine pouring in from the window is a daily struggle for many. Lighting video meetings is not an issue only for remote workers as it is something most offices are facing as well. And even if you have all the necessary bells and whistles for lighting Zoom calls, finding well-lit and quiet spaces for successful video meetings is another thing. Here are a few things to consider when lighting your Zoom meetings and video conferencing calls.
What is a ring light for Zoom calls?
Ever since people moved to working from home and attending remote meetings, ring lights have been all the rage for getting the best lighting for Zoom calls at home. In short, as its name suggests, a ring light is a circular lighting tool that is commonly used for photography and portraits. Nowadays, it has found its place in the home offices of many remote workers.

There are ring lights that can be placed freely and help light your face from any angle you want. Some ring lights can be attached to the screen of your laptop, for instance, to create more forward-facing lighting for video conferencing. Just like all lights used for video meetings and Zoom calls, you can find a ring light in many price ranges.
Is natural light good for video meetings?
In case you want to avoid investing in your Zoom lighting setup altogether, you can ask mother nature for help. Natural lighting can be used for illuminating your video calls for no cost at all. However, it comes with its own drawbacks, as finding the space with just the right amount of natural sunlight from the right angle is a challenge.
What is the right camera angle?
To look your best in Zoom meetings and video conferencing calls, choosing the right and most flattering angle is key. This applies to both the angle of your camera as well as the angle from which the light is coming. Try to angle the video so that the camera is facing you directly. In most cases, this should be easy to do. Getting the most flattering light is a more challenging feat. In case there is much light coming from behind you, this will result in strong shadows on your face.
Framery office pods for easy Zoom lighting
Lighting video meetings on Zoom and other video conferencing platforms does not have to be rocket science. Although you can invest in an elaborate setup with three-point lighting or try to find the place at the office with as much natural lighting from just the right angle, things do not have to be that complicated.
The Framery One office pod has a built-in lighting system for Zoom calls and video meetings. Just walk into the booth and get ready for the meeting. The light embedded into the pod’s tech wall turns on automatically. By adjusting the booth’s dimmable lighting, you can make Zoom calls and video meetings look just the way you like.
The booth’s built-in light is positioned just at the right height and angle, so there are no unflattering shadows or awkward camera angles to disturb your meetings. The light’s 4000K color temperature guarantees a natural look and feel, making the lighting optimal for all users. We have even thought of users with eyeglasses, as Framery One’s smart lighting does not cause any annoying reflections. With a widespread soft light and excellent color rendering capacity of 90CRI, your video meetings get the best possible illumination. Choose between the Framery One’s Work and Video presets or adjust the pod’s lights individually.
Framery office pods solve more than just the issue of lighting video meetings and Zoom calls. They also provide the ideal environment for having meetings. Thanks to the exceptional soundproofing of Framery office pods, you can have video conferencing calls completely free of outside distractions and noise. The pods are perfect for confidential phone calls and intimate conversations with colleagues as well because no one else can hear what goes on inside the pod. With Framery Connect, the office pods can be integrated with your Google or Microsoft calendar with ease, allowing you to book the pods in advance through your personal work calendar.